'Kurapia®'- Utility Groundcover



Kurapia Ground Cover residential lawn replacement front yard

Residential Lawn Replacement

Kurapia Ground Cover close up flowers and bees

Ground Cover with Flowers

Kurapia Ground Cover parks and public places field with flowers

Parks & Public Places

Kurapia Ground Cover commercial and utility spaces in n out parking lot

Commercial & Utility Spaces

Kurapia Ground Cover pavers, paths, and walkways bricks

Pavers, Paths, & Walkways

Kurapia Ground Cover slopes and erosion control back yard

Slopes & Erosion Control

Kurapia® New White and Kurapia® Pink are selections of a herbaceous groundcover, related to native Lippia nodiflora. They are evergreen, and well-suited as lawn alternatives, requiring about 75% less water than many turf grasses, and minimal maintenance. Kurapia® takes moderate food traffic and is a great selection when the green look of a lawn is desired, but in an area that will not get a lot of repeat wear. Kurapia® is also excellent on slopes, providing for erosion control and weed abatement. From residential lawns to commercial landscapes and parks to retention basins, 'Kurapia®' gets the job done with minimal water.

Kurapia Ground Cover growing climates map California and Arizona




  • Reference the FAQs below for quick answers.
  • See the PDF link at the bottom of the page for more detailed explanations.

Kurapia® New White and Kurapia® Pink plugs may be planted year round. The foliage will grow and spread during the warm season, especially in the hotter months, while in the colder months it takes less water for the plugs to acclimate, but growth on top will be slowed. Mulching with a light seed starting mix will help the plugs take off and provide weed protection. Kurapia® is adapted to USDA climate zones of 7b and higher. In regions where average daily temperatures remain above 45 °F, Kurapia® will stay evergreen through winter; however, growth will gradually decrease and enter semi-dormancy when average daily temperatures fall to around 38 °F. Kurapia® has been known to survive temperatures as low as 20 °F. These temperatures are provided as estimates, as Kurapia® greenness, dormancy, and survival will depend upon specific location and environmental factors. 


We provide Kurapia® plugs in a 72 count tray. Plugs are 1½” wide by 2” deep. We generally recommend spacing the plugs on 15” centers; closer spacing will result in faster fill in, and for slopes we recommend planting on 15” centers or less to minimize soil erosion during establishment. Planting on greater than 15” centers is not recommended, delaying fill-in time and allowing for weed pressure in bare areas.

To calculate the number of plugs required for a designated area, take the planting area in square feet and multiply in times the conversion factor of 0.64 (for spacing 15” on center), then divide by 72 (the number of plugs in a tray). For example, for 675 sf, multiply that area x .64: 675 sf x .64 = 432 plugs / 72 = 6 trays.

For efficiency purposes, we do not split plug trays, so if your area of coverage falls between full tray counts, you may choose to round up or down, either closing in the spacing or stretching it out. For example, if your planting area is 525 sf, 525 x .64 = 336 plugs, or 4.66 plug trays. In this case we would recommend rounding up to five trays; the extra plugs may be planted closer together in areas where faster coverage may be desired; for example, sloping areas or a section that may be either in poorer quality soil or in more shade.

While Kurapia® will tolerate a range of soil types, it will establish faster in sandy loam soil. In clay soils, mix in compost and sand, and use a soil penetrant. For compacted soils rototill first. Taking a bit extra time for preparation is worth it, and will enhance fill-in time!

Prior to planting, all weeds should be removed by hand or killed with a non-selective herbicide. RoundUp (glyphosphate) is one such chemical; consult with your local garden center and follow label instructions. For planting sites that have been neglected and may also have a large population of weed seeds in the soil, use of a pre-emergent herbicide can help reduce weed seedlings that will come naturally when such areas receive irrigation, but pre-emergent herbicides need be applied a good 4 months before Kurapia® plug planting so as not to inhibit plug establishment. A good tip is to let your planting areas lie fallow after weed removal and water steadily for a few weeks, to see if any new weeds will germinate or reemerge, then repeat removing the weeds. This works best with invasive weeds such as invasive grasses and perennial weeds.

If Kurapia® is being used as a lawn replacement and invasive grasses such as Bermuda or Kikuyu are present, but sure to consult with your local garden center or a good internet reference as to how to properly get rid of these invasive grasses, which can spread below ground, above ground, and by seed. Don’t know if you have Bermuda or Kikuyu? Again, you may consult with your local garden center or a good online reference.

Make sure that plugs are well-watered before planting, either by hand watering well or by a brief soaking of the plug trays in a sink or large container. Do not leave plugs submerged in water.

Make a hole a bit bigger than the plug and be sure to fill in around the plug with soil. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT; plug soil not surrounded by landscape soil will dry out quickly, reducing chances of survival. Equally important, be sure to place the plug in the bottom of the hole: leaving an air pocket below plugs (no soil contact at base) can lead to plugs drying out severely.

Place plug in hole and lightly pack loose soil around the plug, exposing 75% of the foliage above soil level (see drawing below). Make sure that the whole plug is below soil level to avoid desiccation. It is fine to step lightly on the newly planted plug, to insure good soil contact. Mulching with a well-rotted seed starting mulch will help keep the soil surface wet and increase spreading, see details further below in MULCHING section. 

NOTE: Rabbits will find the new Kurapia® plugs just as tasty as a number of other garden plants, and may chew the exposed leaves down to a nub. If it is not practical to provide temporary fencing around the planting area (or perhaps a dog!), See mulch recommendations below.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.