UC Verde is SOLD OUT - Next deliveries 10/9
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California Lawn Alternatives
Get your sustainable lawn alternative today!
Buchloe dactyloides 'UC Verde'
Functional Lawn Alternative
Lippia nodiflora 'Kurapia®'
Utility Groundcover
Ruschia lineolata 'Nana' (Dwarf Carpet of Stars)
Drought Tolerant Evergreen Succulent
Don't settle for an artificial lawn or a wasteful water bill to keep your garden looking good.
We provide affordable, real lawn solutions aimed specifically at California's climate.
Low Water Needs: Save up to 75% as compared with other grass lawn selections
Reduce Mowing: Minimal maintenance needs; half the mowing of typical turf grasses
Extremely Durable: Very tolerant of foot traffic/play
Low Pollen: Allergy-friendly lawn; rated 1.0 on the 0-10 OPAL pollen scale
No Chemicals Required: No known diseases or pests
Low Water Needs: Save up to 75% as compared with many grass lawn selections
Erosion Control: Very good on steep slopes
Weed Suppression: Thick coverage reduces weed seed germination
Low Pollen: Allergy-friendly
Tolerant of Many Soil Types: Performs well in a range of soils (pH & salinity)
Flowering Season: small white flowers May-NovemberMORE INFORMATIONORDER NOW!
Low water Needs: Save up to 75% as compared with many grass lawn selections
No Mowing Required: Minimal maintenance
Weed Suppression: Very thick coverage reduces weed seed germination
Extremely Durable: Takes heavy foot traffic with ease
Flowering Season: Small white flowers with pink stripes late winter-early springMORE INFORMATIONORDER NOW!
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